Men’s Work

In 2024, men's work is evolving to embrace a deeper, more soulful approach to personal growth and emotional healing. Drawing on James Hillman's transformative concept of "soul-making," this new direction encourages men to explore the rich, multifaceted aspects of their inner lives. Rather than conforming to outdated stereotypes, men are invited to engage with their dreams, fantasies, and personal myths, discovering the powerful archetypes and symbols that shape their experiences. This process fosters greater self-awareness, emotional expression, and resilience, helping men build authentic connections with themselves and others.

Our men’s group work inspired by Hillman's ideas, invites you explore on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. This soulful approach to men's work is not just about personal growth—it's about creating a richer, more meaningful life.

For information on our periodic gatherings for mens’ work contact: TheSacredMasculine