Welcome to the Pathwork Oracle, a 40 card oracle deck designed for deepening insight and understanding in both heart and mind. Drawing from various spiritual traditions, it emphasizes pathworking, a practice focused on healing the past through compassion and forgiveness, paving the way for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Engaging with this deck involves immersing yourself in each card, exploring its deeper meanings and intentions through meditation. Imagine entering the world of the card, connecting deeply with its message.

This deck offers a structured 40-day meditation practice, which can be revisited and deepened over time. Additionally, we provide 21 guided meditations to further assist your pathworking journey. These are optional but offer enhanced guidance. Daily card pulling combined with these meditations allows for a more profound exploration of your inner thoughts and energies.

Central to this deck is the sacred feminine energy of Green Tara, symbolizing compassion and liberation. She is known as β€œthe venerable one who liberates,” helping to unravel life's complexities and obstacles.  The Pathwork Oracle is crafted to meet you where you are, serving as a living tool for personal and spiritual development. Our intention is for this deck to be a meaningful and adaptable tool for your heart and mind.

We created this deck with deep respect for the teachings and sacred lineage that inspired it, hoping it will reduce suffering and bring joy to all beings. We offer the Pathwork Oracle with gratitude and the wish that it enriches your life.

May your life be a celebration,

Daniel and Ana