Tsa Lung and the Four Immeasurables: Retreat Oct 2024

Join us as we dive into the ancient Tibetan practices of Tsa Lung, energizing your body through breath and movement, while exploring the profound teachings of the Four Immeasurables: love, compassion, joy, and equanimity. Led by Geshe Sonam Gurung and John Jackson

Geshe Sonam Gurung received his training for the Geshe degree under the guidance of His Holiness the 33rd Menri Trizin, the Abbot of Bon Menri Monastery and lineage holder of the Yungdrung Bon spiritual tradition. Geshe Sonam served as personal assistant to His Holiness. Following the direction and continued guidance of His Holiness, Geshe Sonam translated many of the key texts in the Bon Dzogchen canon. In particular, he translated significant works from Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche. Shardza Rinpoche’s key texts – Heart Drops of Kuntuzangpo, Kusum Rangshar; and the Treasury of the Expanse – are detailed yogic roadmaps of the Bon Dzogchen pathway to enlightenment, combining both utterly clear philosophic foundation as well as detailed practice explanation. Geshe Sonam’s goal is to make these teachings available on a global basis in forms appropriate for the 21st Century.

John has been practicing a variety of methods of meditation for over 45 years, spending lengthy periods of time in retreat in Menri and Triten Norbutse monasteries in India and Nepal, as well as studying with His Holiness Lungtog Tenpai Nyima the 33rd Menri Trinzin and His Eminence Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche – the two most senior teachers of the Bön lineage. He completed a four-year teacher training program with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.  Since 2010, he has led approximately 100 meditation retreats and courses in 13 countries. He was co-leader for the 3 Doors Academy of Europe, an intensive three-year program for gaining deep experience in the Tibetan practices of body, speech and mind.

For Information please contact us : Fall Retreat